Spanish entrepreneur Xavi Caballol, 49, and his partner Alba Serch were left with a broken vertebra, broken bones, a fractured skull, and partial facial mobility loss
They are now in wheelchairs and undergoing intensive physiotherapy to regain the ability to walk
‘The video of the accident that has changed our lives. We have decided to share this video, despite it being traumatic for us,’ Xavi said
‘…I don’t know if it was due to a downdraft, a thermal, a sudden change in wind since we had very laminar (smooth) wind… I don’t know.’
‘In my case, I had practiced this type of manoeuvre hundreds of times and it never happened to me to stall in such a violent way and fall like a stone.’
‘What I do know is that I will never fly again, even though I have my pilot’s license.”
Watch below: