During his exclusive sitdown with Fox News host Sean Hannity Wednesday night, Vice President JD Vance provided a unique insight into how President Donald Trump makes decisions.
“What have you learned about him?” Hannity asked Vance.
“It’s interesting. I’ve learned that he has the most interesting decision-making process of anyone I’ve ever met,” Vance said. “I think what makes him such an effective leader is that when he’s actually thinking about doing something, he doesn’t just ask his closest adviser or some policy person. If it’s going to affect a business, he’ll call the business’ CEO; he’ll go and try to talk to the workers. He tries to take input from everywhere.”
“I think it’s one of the reasons he’s so in tune with where the American people actually are,” Vance adds. “but it’s also one of the geniuses in how he makes decisions is that he actually tries to talk to everybody. I could write a book on how he tries to gather information from all sources.”
“The president talks to everybody — and it’s a very, very profound thing about how he operates in Washington.”
Watch the clip above.